Why Replacing A Missing Tooth Matters

The Importance of Replacing Your Missing Tooth
When you lose a tooth, it’s important to consider replacing it. While some may think that a missing tooth is no big deal, its absence can cause serious oral health issues if left untreated. At Plaza Dental Parker in Parker, CO, we understand the importance of replacing missing teeth as soon as possible and why it’s essential for your oral health. Let’s take a look at how replacing your missing tooth can make all the difference for your smile!
Preserving Jawbone Health
When you lose a tooth, the bone volume in the area starts to decrease over time. This occurs because there is no longer any stimulation from chewing or biting on the area where the tooth once was, leading to bone deterioration and atrophy. As plaque begins to accumulate and bacteria forms around these empty sockets, gum disease can develop which further destroys the underlying bone support structure and causes further deterioration. By replacing your missing tooth with dental implants or another restoration option such as dentures or bridges, you can prevent this loss of jawbone mass and maintain a healthy jawbone structure.
Maintaining Adjacent Teeth
Replacing missing teeth with restorations helps keep adjacent teeth stable and in good health by preventing them from shifting out of their proper alignment. Without restorative treatment, adjacent teeth are more likely to move away from their original positions due to pressure exerted by your tongue or other facial muscles during eating or speaking. By having a replacement option such as dental bridges or dentures in place for missing teeth, adjacent teeth are prevented from moving and remain secure within their current positions in your mouth.
Improving Aesthetics
Missing teeth can be unsightly if left untreated and unaddressed for long periods of time. Replacing them helps improve aesthetics by filling out gaps between remaining natural teeth and providing you with an even row of pearly whites when smiling or talking with other people. Additionally, since the replacement options offered by Plaza Dental Parker are custom-made to match each patient’s existing teeth coloration, they blend right into the area seamlessly without standing out too much!
Contact Us Today!
Replacing missing teeth is critical when it comes to maintaining oral health and preserving jawbone structure and stability of adjacent natural teeth. At Plaza Dental Parker in Parker CO, we understand why replacing missing teeth matters so much! We provide patients with custom-made prosthetic dental devices such as dentures, bridges or dental implants that are designed just for them—ensuring that they have aesthetically pleasing smiles while also enjoying all of the benefits that come along with restoring lost teeth! Contact us today if you need help restoring one or more lost teeth!