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Conquering Fears

If you have ever found yourself putting off going to the dentist because of anxiety or fear, Plaza Dental Parker offers several sedation solutions. This popular approach to restorative dental care can help you relax and feel comfortable during your appointment, regardless of how complex the procedure may be. There are two main types of sedation used in dentistry: oral sedation and IV sedation.

 Oral sedation involves taking a pill before your appointment, which will help you feel calm and relaxed. IV sedation is administered through a small needle in the arm, and it can provide a more intense level of relaxation. Regardless of which type of sedation you choose, you can rest assured that Plaza Dental Parker will take every step necessary to ensure your safety and comfort. 

Types Of Sedation Dentistry We Offer

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation is also a great option for those who have sensitive teeth or gums, or for procedures that may be longer or more invasive than usual.

Laughing Gas

Nitrous Oxide is often referred to as “laughing gas” due to the fact that it can induce feelings of happiness and relaxation. It is also one of the safest forms of sedation available, with a low risk of side effects.

IV Sedation

IV sedation is a great option for people who need to have a lengthy or complex dental procedure done like dental implants or full mouth smile makeovers.

emergency dentist parker co

Why Patients
Choose Sedation

Many dental patients experience anxiety or fear when they think about visiting the dentist. For some, this may be due to a bad experience in the past, while for others, it may be simply the result of fear of the unknown. Whatever the cause, this anxiety can make it difficult to get the dental care you need.

Plaza Dental Parker is proud to offer three types of sedation dentistry services. With sedation dentistry, you can relax and receive the dental treatment you need without any anxiety or fear. We offer several different types of sedation, so we can tailor the treatment to your needs and ensure that you are comfortable throughout your visit. If you have been avoiding the dentist because of anxiety or fear, sedation dentistry may be the answer you have been looking for. Contact Plaza Dental Parker today to learn more about our sedation dentistry services.